Thursday, 5 November 2015

An Australian / antipodean volume of JAB

Following a review of papers submitted for JAB 39 (the Australian/antipodean volume) GCCAR is pleased to confirm the following papers have been selected for publication. JAB 39 will be the spring issue of 2016 and will include a detailed report on abbe by Sarah Bodman, editor of the Blue Notebook  

Coming to Our Senses with a Modern Mythic Form: Postliteracy in Artistsbooks
by Lyn Ashby 

Fumbling Hands and Phantom Limbs: The Photograph, the Hand and the Artist’s Book
by Deidre Brollo's  

The Grafted Image 
by Victoria Cooper

The News and the Book
by Marian Crawford

Machine Translations: Poets, Poetics and the Artists Book
by Caren Florance

Report from a Border: Text and Typography in Australian Artist’s Books
by Angela Gardner and Kerry Kilner

Climbing Discourse: The Legacy of Touch
by Bridget Hillebrand

Designing with/for/through the Existing: Artists’ Books and Documentation
by Marian Macken

the haptic and the emerging critical discourse on artists books
by Tim Mosely

The Equal Standard Broadzine: Using Artworks to Expand the Audience and Language of Social and Political Critique
by Gabriella Wilson

Thankyou to all those who submitted papers, and those who reviewed and edited them for JAB.